
Circa 1810 Steel and Hardstone English Desk Seal - Heywood and Drinkwater

Seal Detail

A good example of a steel armorial matrix, with later faceted jasper handle, plain steel collar, the oval matrix engraved with a shield. The engraving is of deep nature and very precise and showing the arms of the family Heywood of Wakefield impaling Drinkwater of Irwell, Co. Lancaster. Peter Drinkwater purchased the estate at Irwell and married, in 1771, Margaret Bolton. His eldest daughter Margaret married (circa 1800) John Pemberton Heywood of Wakefield, barrister-at-law, for whom this seal was made. The Drinkwaters were an ancient family from Lancashire/Cheshire/Shropshire (the presence of garbs, or wheatsheaves, in the arms often indicates a Cheshire connection). The martlet cadency mark shows that he was a fourth son. 

The condition of the seal overall is excellent especially the faceted jasper handle which appears to have no damage at all. The matrix equally so save for some minor surface rusting.

Seal Specification

Height 74mm

Diameter of matrix 22mm x 25mm

Weight 77g